European Industrial Heritage Summer School: Call for applications
The European Industrial Heritage Summer School from 5 to 20 August 2023 in Berlin, Germany, for students from European universities addresses the question 'How can industrial heritage sites credibly practice sustainability?'
The Summer School combines interdisciplinary knowledge transfer with hands-on project activities and is designed for students enrolled in various disciplines. Among other things, they will be instructed to introduce the other participants to an industrial heritage site - preferably an ERIH member from their respective native region - visited in the run-up to the Summer School. Follow-up BarCamp-style workshops will approach solutions to existing challenges and explore ideas for potential projects in small groups. Exciting visits to industrial monuments in Berlin wrap up the programme.
The Summer School is a programme of ERIH in cooperation with the Berlin Centre for Industrial Heritage and the Berlin University of Applied Sciences. Thanks to an ERIH scholarship, registration fees are low.
Further information and registration for the Summer School