'Twinning of Sites" becomes "ERIH on TOUR":
For several years now, we have been offering our members (individual sites / Anchor Points, corporate members / organisations) the opportunity to visit similar sites in other countries as part of the "Twinning of Sites" project, to exchange experience and knowledge, develop new project ideas and make long-term contacts through reciprocal site visits.
With the new offer "ERIH on Tour" we extend the exchange and visit opportunities to regional networks and more than two sites. Participation requires at least three years of membership in the ERIH association.
Partnerships should address at least one of the following topics:
- education,
- improving future work opportunities,
- succession planning,
- cooperation and exchange of experience and good practice.
The results are to be documented and should also lead to concrete guidelines for action.
With funding from the EU's "Creative Europe Culture" programme, ERIH is contributing to the costs of these initial contact visits with a maximum of 750 euros per person and 1,500 euros per organisation (member), up to a total of 3,000 euros per exchange. This covers travel, accommodation, equipment hire, local transfers, meals and translation. ERIH cannot cover the costs of long-term collaboration between partner sites. Should the available budget be exhausted, the programme will be discontinued. Priority will be given to members who have participated in ERIH projects (Industrial Heritage Barometer, WORK it OUT, ...).
Applications to participate in the exchange programme should be sent informally to the ERIH office: info(at)erih.net