24 June, Ruhr Area: ExtraSchicht - The Industrial Heritage Night
Each year on the last Saturday in June, ExtraSchicht turns the entire Metropolitan Ruhr Area upside down. From 6 p.m. until 2 a.m., young and grown-up industrial heritage fans alike are invited to enjoy around 100 events at 44 venues in 22 towns and cities. Once again, numerous ERIH sites will be involved. And just to make sure no one misses out, one ticket covers all events and provides free travel on public transport and shuttle buses.
The programme is vast: exhibitions, attractions for families and children, fireworks, special guided tours, cabaret & comedy, light & laser, street theatre & performance as well as hands-on activities guarantee fun and action for every taste and age. Special highlights this year include giant 3D mappings, a skywalk tour, a light show featuring works by world-famous artists such as Gustav Klimt and Hundertwasser, and various music acts set against a spectacular industrial scenery.
Exciting exhibitions and guided tours at ERIH locations include "Steel Giants in Twilight" at the Bochum-Dahlhausen Railway Museum, "Night Owls" with walk acts and a drone show at the The Henrichshütte Ironworks Hattingen, and "The Fragile Paradise" with already more than one million visitors at the Oberhausen Gasometer.
Information on the programme and the ExtraSchicht ticket