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European Themeroute Transport | Ships, Harbours, Rivers and Canals


ERIH Anchor Points

Berlin | Germany

Lifeworld Ship”, “From Ballooning to the Berlin ...

German Technical Museum
Trebbiner Strasse 9
10963 Berlin, Germany

Hamburg | Germany

The telephone, the light bulb, the camera – ...

Museum of Work
Wiesendamm 3
22305 Hamburg, Germany

Papenburg | Germany

A towering lobby of white and gold, glass-cased ...

Meyer Shipyard
Papenburg Tourismus GmbH
Ölmühlenweg 21
26871 Papenburg, Germany

Waltrop | Germany

The powerful steel framework offers a truly ...

The Henrichenburg Ship Lift
Am Hebewerk 2
45731 Waltrop, Germany

Monfalcone | Italy

You want to know how industrialisation welds a ...

MuCa - Museum of Shipbuilding Industry
MuCa - Museo della Cantieristica
Via del Mercato, 3
34074 Monfalcone, Italy

Swansea | United Kingdom

Computer screens with interactive film ...

National Waterfront Museum
Oystermouth Road
SA1 3RD Swansea, United Kingdom

Member Sites ERIH Association

Kressbronn am Bodensee | Germany

Bodan shipyard was the largest shipyard on Lake ...

Bodan Wharft
88079 Kressbronn am Bodensee, Germany

Magdeburg | Germany

The 10th October 2003 was a very special day ...

Water Crossroads / Rothensee Boat Lift
Am Schiffshebewerk
39106 Magdeburg, Germany

Zeitz | Germany

The "Weißelster" timber rafting system with its ...

The 'Elsterfloßgraben' Rafting Ditch
Am Herrmannschacht 11
06712 Zeitz, Germany

Bilbao | Spain

Itsasmuseum Bilbao is located on the former ...

Itsasmuseum Bilbao
Euskal Itsas Museoa
Muelle Ramón de la Sota 1
48013 Bilbao, Spain

Lekeitio | Spain

The centre of interpretation of the techniques ...

Santa Katalina Lighthouse Interpretation Centre
Faro de Santa Catalina
Avenida Santa Katalina, 65
48280 Lekeitio, Spain

Ormaiztegi | Spain

The Mutiloa mining reserve extended its ...

Mutiloa Mines and Ormaiztegi’s Viaduct
Muxika Egurastokia
20212 Ormaiztegi, Spain

Pasai San Pedro | Spain

Albaola the Maritime Heritage Factory is a ...

Albaola the Maritime Heritage Factory
Ondartxo pasealekua 1
20110 Pasai San Pedro, Spain

San Esteban de Pravia | Spain

San Esteban de Pravia, an old fishing village, ...

San Esteban de Pravia Coal Port
Paseo del muelle
33130 San Esteban de Pravia, Spain

Santurtzi | Spain

The Fisherman’s Guild has been traditionally ...

Museum of the Sea | 'Agurtza' Fishing Boat
Santurtzi Itsasoa Museoa
Puerto Pesquero 20
48980 Santurtzi, Spain

Dudley | United Kingdom

There’s no towpath for your horse, and no ...

Dudley Canal and Tunnel Trust
501 Birmingham New Road
DY1 4SB Dudley, United Kingdom


Ferlach | Austria

Historama is a large transport museum at ...

Historama Museum of Technology
Auengasse 2
9170 Ferlach, Austria

Grodno | Belarus

Grodno is a substantial city with a population ...

Augustowski Canal
Gorkogo Street 91A
Grodno, Belarus

Brussels | Belgium

The early 20th century inter-modal transport ...

Tour et Taxis
Avenue de Port 86c
1000 Brussels, Belgium

Dendermonde | Belgium

The city of Dendermonde where the River Dender ...

Baasrode Shipbuilding Museum
Scheepvaartmuseum Baasrode vzw
St Ursmarusstraat 137
9200 Dendermonde, Belgium

Le Roeulx | Belgium

The boat lift at Strepy-Thieu was planned as ...

The Strépy-Thieu Boat Lift
Ascenseur funiculaire de Strépy-Thieu
Rue Raymond Cordier 50
7070 Le Roeulx, Belgium

Ronquieres | Belgium

The canal from Brussels to Charleroi through ...

Ronquieres Inclined Plane
Plan Incline de Ronquieres
7090 Ronquieres, Belgium

Thieu | Belgium

La Louviere lies at the centre of a region ...

Canal du Centre World Heritage Site
Ecluse No 1 rue des Peupliers 69
7058 Thieu, Belgium

Varna | Bulgaria

Varna, on the Black Sea, is the principal port ...

Varna Maritme Museum
3 Primorski Boulevard
9000 Varna, Bulgaria

Dubrovnik | Croatia

The ancient port of Dubrovnik is one of the ...

Dubrovnic Maritime Museum
Pomorski muzej
Ulica kneza Damjana Jude 2
2000 Dubrovnic, Croatia

Chvalšiny | Czech Republic

The Schwarzenberg Navigation was a system of ...

Schwarzenberg Navigation Museum
Muzeum Schwarzenberského plavebního kanálu ve Chvalšinách
Chvalšiny 124
38208 Chvalšiny, Czech Republic

Hradec nad Moravicí | Czech Republic

The Weisshuhn Canal was built in 1889-91 to ...

Weisshuhn Canal
Kanál Carla Weisshuhna
Podolská 308
74741 Hradec nad Moravicí, Czech Republic

Copenhagen | Denmark

Holmen is the name given to the row of islands ...

Holmen Naval Base
Copenhagen, Denmark

Kotka | Finland

The Maritime Centre Vellamo at Kotka is ...

The Maritime Centre Vellamo
Merikeskus Vellamo
Tornatorrintie 99
48100 Kotka, Finland

Turku | Finland

The Forum Marinum is a maritime museum located ...

Forum Marinum
Linnankatu 72
20100 Turku, Finland

Virrat | Finland

Virratt is a large village due north of ...

Herraskoski Canal Museum
Herrasentie 16
34800 Virrat, Finland

Arques | France

The Fontinettes hydraulic lift on the Neufossé ...

Fontinettes Canal Lift
L’Ascenseur à Bateaux des Fontinettes
21, rue Denis Papin
62510 Arques, France
