Slovak agricultural museum at Nitre

The agricultural museum was established in Bratislava in 1922, moved to Nitra in 1960, and from 1978 was managed by the Agrokomplex company. It is now an open air museum of the Skansen type which since 1992 has occupied a site extending over 39 ha. Its main sections are concerned with archaeology, traditional crafts and the development of the food industry, agricultural machines, aviation, and fire-fighting. The 22 buildings in the open air museum of folk architecture include a school, a co-operative shop, corn mills using both stones and roller milling equipment, an oil mill, a distillery for slivovitz (plum brandy), a bakery, scotching and heckling mills for processing hemp, a tannery, a treadmill and a cooperage. The museum operates several traction engines and a narrow gauge railway with three steam locomotives.

Slovak agricultural museum at Nitre
Slovenské pol’nohospodársk muzéum v Nitre
95050 Nitra
+421 (0) 6572 - 553