Seka Paper Mill

Construction of the Seka (the word is a combination of the Turkish words for paper and cellulose) Paper Mill in north-west Anatolia began in 1934 and it was widely seen as a symbol of the industrialisation of Turkey under Kemal Ataturk (1881-1938). The company was privatised in 1997 and production ceased in 2005.

The museum occupies the four storeys of the mill and includes large machines both for paper-making and printing, the power plant and displays extending through sixteen galleries telling the mill’s history, and describing the social lives of the workers. There are regular workshops teaching traditional paper making, calligraphy and paper marbling

Seka Paper Mill
Seka Kağit Müzesi
Kozluk Mahallasi Mehmet Ali Kağitçi Sokak 77
41200 Izmit
+90 (0) 262 - 3325347