Lavaux Vinorama

The creation of the spectacular vineyard terraces of Lavaux, which extend for 14 km. along the north shore of Lake Geneva between Lausanne and Vevey-Montreux in the Canton of Vaux, was begun by monks in the eleventh century. The area became famous for the quality of its wines particularly those produced from the Chasselas and Plant Robert grapes, and in 2007 the area was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in recognition of its qualities as a cultural landscape.

Lavaux Vinorama is a spectacular building cantilevered from the mountainside over the lake, designed by Mauro Turin and opened in 2010. It offers information in many forms about more than 260 Lavaux wines. Visitors can see a 45-minute film which explains the work of the wine maker through the year. The centre provides an introduction to networks of walks through the wine-producing area, and also offers a 45-minute tour by a road train. Above all Lavaux Vinorama offers the opportunity to taste the products of the area’s vineyards.

Lavaux Vinorama
Route du lac 2
1071 Rivaz
+41 (0) 219 - 463131