Hook Norton Brewery

Hook Norton is a substantial village with rather more than 2000 inhabitants, 14 km south-west of Banbury on the edge of the Cotswold Hills. Its brewery was established in 1849 and brewing now takes place in a tower brewery building of slightly later date, of stone and brick construction with some timber framing. A Buxton & Thornley steam engine made in Burton-on-Trent in 1899 can still power the mash mill and sack hoist, but is no longer able to work the pumps. This is a rare survival of a type of brewery that could be found in most English towns in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The company still uses horse-drawn drays for local deliveries and publicity.

Tours round the brewery are exceptionally interesting, although a high level of agility is required to negotiate some steep and narrow stairways. Alongside the brewery is a shop with a reception area for participants in brewery tours and a museum describing the history of the village.


Hook Norton Brewery
Brewery Lane
OX15 5NY Hook Norton
United Kingdom
+44 (0) 1608 - 730384