Haapakoski Ironworks

The Haapakoski Ironworks was founded in 1842 by captain and land owner Johan Fredrik Molander. Soon after, the ownership was passed on to a Swedishman Johan Ernst August Boije. The limonate smelting began in 1844. The remote location of the site became a problem, however, as there were no proper roads leading to the site. Eventually the ironworks exchanged owners a few times, and production was revived by Russian man Nikolai Putilov, who started producing raw materials for that were exported to be made in to railways in St Petersburg. However, this only lasted until 1876 when Putilov’s company declared bankruptcy. In 1889 the transport connections were significantly improved when a railway line was built. However, the smelting was permanently ended in 1904 and the ironworks continued its operations as a foundry. It underwent various changes of ownership and the products manufactured until production finally ceased in 2011.

The place is a real treasure of the history of industrialisation in Finland. In the foundry hall, all the machines are still in place and the workers' overalls hang on the hooks as if time had stood still and they were expected back at any moment. Visits are possible by appointment and on event days.

Haapakoski Ironworks
Haapakosken Ruukki
Haapakoskentie 506
77420 Haapakoski
+358 (0) 400 - 282906

Recommended duration of visit:1,5-2 Hours
Access for persons with disabilities:For details see website
Infrastructure for children:

Site only open on request, year round

  • Guided tours only
  • Guided tours for children