Göteborgs Remfabriken

The Remfabrik in Goteborg is one of Europe’s most perfectly-preserved time capsules of textile history. The 3-storey factory made heavy canvas of the kind used in conveyor belts and in belts transmitting power in line-shafting systems. It was opened in 1904 and the machinery installed up to 1917 and made by Robert Hall & Sons of Bury, Lancashire, England, comprises a complete set of power loom weaving equipment. The mill closed in 1977 and was soon afterwards designated a national monument. It is the home of a museum of working-class life managed by the Föreningen Göteborgs Remfabrik.

Göteborgs Remfabriken
Åvägen 15
41250 Göteborg
+46 (0) 31 - 831535