Immaginario Scientifico from Trieste has adapted the Adegliacco Mill at Tavagnacco as one of their science centres. Tavagnacco lies on the Udine Canal, 8 km north of Udine and 70 km northwest of Trieste. The oldest parts of the mill building date from the 14th century. One of the old wheels remains in place, and a modern one has been installed to generate electric power. The mill houses interactive science displays and teaching facilities similar to those in the Immaginario Scientifico centre in Trieste. Outside in the grounds are exhibitions on optics and geometry, together with an area of parkland set aside for thinking.
Dida Centre Immaginario Didattico at Adegliacco Old Watermill
Mulino de Adegliacco - Immaginario Didattico
Via del Molini 32
33010 Adegliacco
+39 (0) 432 - 517197