Bodensee Automobile and Tractor Museum

Near Lake Constance, this private museum displays 350 examples of cars, motorcycles, tractors and other vehicles alongside other artefacts that show the central position of automobiles in recent social history. The museum was devoted to tractors when it was established in 2013 but it widened to other automobiles in 2017 with the addition of exhibits from the Fritz B. Busch Automobile Museum. The largest part of the collection is still devoted to tractors and to rural life, with artefacts from garages and homes. The tractors come from Germany, Britain, France, Italy and the USA among other countries and date from between 1915 and the 1960s. The museum now has 150 motorcycles and cars and shows these alongside domestic objects such as period clothing, commercial packaging and reconstructions of period shops. Since 2023 the museum has also hosted a separate exhibition about the Volkswagen Beetle, with examples from the 1930s to the 2000s.

Bodensee Automobile and Tractor Museum
Gebhardsweiler 1
88690 Uhldingen-Mühlhofen
+49 (0) 7556 - 928360