Verdant Works

In the late 19th century Dundee had more jute factories than anywhere else in the world. One of them was the Verdant Works. The last working jute mill in Britain is now an exciting museum. Here visitors can find out more about the past history of the local textile industry at first hand. In the offices they can eavesdrop on the clerks. Later they can travel alongside the bales of jute in the hold of a clipper from India to Dundee before being confronted with the appalling factory conditions under which children were forced to work. They are then given the chance to contrast this to the luxurious lives of the Jute Barons and their families. As was usual in the local factories it was mostly women who manned the machinery. With its films, inter-active computer programmes, audio-visual scenarios, the smell of oil and the noise of running machines, Verdant Works is a place where the power of the industrial past is made vividly present.

Verdant Works
West Henderson´s Wynd
DD1 5BT Dundee
United Kingdom
+44 (0) 01382 - 225282