Museum of Cinema – Tomàs Mallol Collection

The Museum of Cinema opened in 1998 in the former water company offices in the centre of Girona, the Casa de les Aigües. It is based on a collection made throughout 30 years by Tomàs Mallol, which was acquired by the city council in 1994. The displays are rich in audiovisual and interactive materials as well as objects such as early visual experiments and entertainments, cameras, projectors, special effects equipment and film posters. The museum aims to show the development of the moving image as a visual spectacle reaching back 400 years, before and since the invention of the cinematograph, and to explain its role in visual culture. The main focus is on the period from the beginning of cinema to the arrival of television. As one of the finest cinema collections in the world, it aims to be an active centre for the revitalisation of cinema and visual performances.

Museum of Cinema – Tomàs Mallol Collection
Museu del Cinema – Col-lectió Tomàs Mallol
Carrer de la Sèquia, 1
17001 Girona
+34 (0) 972 - 412777