Study & Work Camp: behind the scenes of Berlin's industrial culture
ERIH site managers watch out: From 7 to 22 August 2021, the Berlin Centre for Industrial Culture (bzi) invites young adults from all over Europe to Berlin for a "Study & Work Camp". 8 of the 15 places offered will be reserved until 8 June for participants from ERIH sites. For young employees or volunteers, this is the perfect opportunity to get a live experience of industrial culture while looking behind the scenes of Berlin's dynamic industrial history.
Before World War I, the "Elektropolis Berlin" was considered emblematic of a modern, hyper-connected city. After World War II, the long-term "deep sleep" of many industries helped preserve the often iconic architecture, which is now being used by brand new and young industries. The participants of the "Study & Work Camp" will trace the industrial history at different places in the city and explore how it relates to us and our lives today.
The camp adopts an explicitly hands-on approach. In addition to the exciting insights into industrial heritage, the agenda includes work in a restoration workshop and in museums: how are museum objects restored, what stories do the objects tell and how can they be turned into an exhibition in the end?
The camp, jointly organised by the bzi and the International Youth Community Services (ijgd), ERIH and HTW Berlin, addresses young adults between 18 and 26 years of age. All pandemic regulations and travel requirements valid in August will be followed. Hence, many of the events will be held outdoors and participants will be testing themselves on a regular basis. The camp language is English.