Berlin Forum, 26 September: Industrial Heritage Landscapes of Aviation – register now!

For the 11th time, the Berlin Centre for Industrial Heritage invites experts to the Berlin Forum for Industrial Heritage and Society. This year's topic will be "City – Country – Air. Industrial Heritage Landscapes of Aviation – History and Perspectives". Registrations for the event, which will be held live at Tempelhof Airport and digitally via Zoom on 26 September, are now open. In addition, participants can join an expert excursion to three historic aviation sites in eastern Berlin the day before.

Aviation and its facilities are complex systems comprising flying objects, maintenance, handling and service facilities, repair yards, large-scale storehouses, administrative tracts, shops, building services, security areas and more. Discussion at the forum will focus on the following questions, among others:

  • Which typologies of construction and materials have emerged and how have these developments stimulated each other worldwide?
  • What successful examples of re-use concepts exist across Europe?
  • How do social environments react to the opening up of the huge open
  • spaces that are typical for traditional airports?

This event is being organised on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Tempelhof Airport, which opened in October 1923 as Tempelhof Central Airport. Thanks to the cooperation with ERIH, online guests will be able to use simultaneous English translation of lectures and discussions. The excursion on 25.09.2023 in cooperation with KulturerbeNetz.Berlin will include the aircraft hangars in Karlshorst, present-day Adlershof Technology Park and the former Johannisthal airfield.

Registration for Berlin Forum