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European Themeroute Transport | Railway Rolling Stock and Railways


ERIH Anchor Points

Mürzzuschlag | Austria

From Vienna to Trieste in 13 hours and 4 ...

Südbahn Museum
Heizhausgasse 2
8680 Mürzzuschlag, Austria

Berlin | Germany

Lifeworld Ship”, “From Ballooning to the Berlin ...

German Technical Museum
Trebbiner Strasse 9
10963 Berlin, Germany

Hoorn | Netherlands

Some of the steam locomotives look just like ...

Hoorn-Medemblik Steam Tram Museum
Museum Stoomtram
Van Dedemstraat 8
1624 NN Hoorn, Netherlands

Narvik | Norway

It would be sea and iron-ore that would decide ...

Museum Nord - Narvik
Administrasjonsveien 3
8502 Narvik, Norway

Jaworzyna Śląska | Poland

Locomotives powered by steam, diesel and ...

Railway Museum of Silesia
Muzeum Kolejnictwa na Śląsku
Towarowa 4
58-140 Jaworzyna Śląska, Poland

Entroncamento | Portugal

Portugal's royal family used to travel by ...

National Railway Museum Entroncamento
Museu Nacional Ferroviario
Rua Eng. Ferreira de Mesquita
2334-909 Entroncamento, Portugal

Lousado | Portugal

The very appearance of the repair and ...

National Railway Museum at Lousado
Museu Nacional Ferroviário – Núcleo Museológico de Lousado
Largo da Estação no 2
4760-626 Lousado, Portugal

Azpeitia | Spain

Want to be a stoker on a historic steam engine? ...

Basque Railway Museum
Museo Vasco del Ferrocarril
Julián Elorza, 8
20730 Azpeitia, Spain

Gijón | Spain

Which engineer's design is that locomotive? Who ...

Asturian Railway Museum
Museo del Ferrocarril de Asturias
Plaza Estación del Norte s/n
33212 Gijón, Spain

Swansea | United Kingdom

Computer screens with interactive film ...

National Waterfront Museum
Oystermouth Road
SA1 3RD Swansea, United Kingdom

Member Sites ERIH Association

Augsburg | Germany

The former railway depot and workshop, covering ...

Railway Park
Firnhaberstraße 22c
86159 Augsburg, Germany

Bad Nauheim | Germany

The Friends of the Wetterau Heritage Railway is ...

Wetterau Heritage Railway
Eisenbahnfreunde Wetterau e. V.
Am Goldstein 12 (Lokschuppen)
61231 Bad Nauheim, Germany

Benndorf | Germany

Broad, undulating fields and rows of fruit ...

The Mansfeld Works Railway Line
Hauptstraße 15
06308 Benndorf, Germany

Bochum | Germany

Dozens of children’s’ dreams are simultaneously ...

Bochum-Dahlhausen Railway Museum
Dr.-C.-Otto-Straße 191
44879 Bochum, Germany

Essen | Germany

Take a ride on the historical coaches of the ...

Hespertal Railway
Prinz-Friedrich-Platz 3
45257 Essen, Germany

Frankfurt am Main | Germany

In 1881, the German architect Hermann Eggert ...

Central Station
Am Hauptbahnhof 1
60329 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Budapest | Hungary

The main site of the Hungarian Technical and ...

The Hungarian Museum of Science, Technology and Transport
Magyar Müszaki és Közlekedési Közlekedési Múzeum
Városligeti Körut 11
1146 Budapest, Hungary

Niederkorn | Luxembourg

At first sight the “vallée de la Chiers” looks ...

Minett Park Fond-de-Gras
2, Fond-de-Gras
4576 Niederkorn, Luxembourg

Løkken Verk | Norway

The local community Løkken Verk has developed ...

Orkla Industrial Museum
Orkla Industrimuseum
Torfinn Bjørnaas plass 2
7332 Løkken Verk, Norway

Madrid | Spain

Madrid’s Delicias station was built in 1880, ...

Railway Museum Madrid
Museo del Ferrocarril de Madrid
Paseo de la Delicias 61
28045 Madrid, Spain

Móra la Nova | Spain

The train repair workshop in Móra la Nova began ...

Railway Museum at Móra la Nova
Museu del Ferrocarril a Móra la Nova
Estació Renfe
43770 Móra la Nova, Spain

Ormaiztegi | Spain

The Mutiloa mining reserve extended its ...

Mutiloa Mines and Ormaiztegi’s Viaduct
Muxika Egurastokia
20212 Ormaiztegi, Spain

Vilanova i la Geltrú | Spain

This open-air museum next to the Renfe Rodalies ...

Catalonia Railway Museum
Museu del Ferrocarril de Catalunya
Plaça d'Eduard Maristany, s/n
08800 Vilanova i la Geltrú, Spain

Windisch | Switzerland

The 'SBB Historic Heritage Foundation' ...

SBB Historic
5210 Windisch, Switzerland


Ampflwang im Hausruckwald | Austria

The Austrian Society for Railway History ...

Ampflwang Locomotive Park Austrian Railway Museum
Lokpark Ampflwang Österreichisches Eisenbahnmuseum
Bahnhofstraße 29
4843 Ampflwang im Hausruckwald, Austria

Bezau | Austria

The densely-forested Bregenzerwald area south ...

Wälderbähnle Bregenz Forest Railway
Bregenzer Waldbahn
Bahnhof 147
6870 Bezau, Austria

Bregenz | Austria

The Bregenzer Pfanderbahn, the cable car ...

Pfänderbahn & Pfänderbahnmuseum
Schillerstrasse 3
6900 Bregenz, Austria

Jenbach/Tirol | Austria

Jenbach is a small mountain resort that was ...

Achensee Railway | Zillertal Railway
Achenseebahn AG
Bahnhofplatz 1-3
6200 Jenbach, Austria

Schwechat | Austria

The collection of rolling stock at Schwechat, ...

Schwechat Railwaymuseum
Hintere Bahngasse 2b
2320 Schwechat, Austria

Semmering | Austria

The 58 km section of railway through the ...

Semmering Railway World Heritage Site
Informationsstelle Semmeringbahn
Bahnhofplatz 1
2680 Semmering, Austria

Strasshof an der Nordbahn | Austria

Strasshof lies 25 km east of Vienna and ...

Heizhaus Railway Museum
123 Sillerstrasse
2231 Strasshof an der Nordbahn, Austria

Vienna | Austria

Vienna’s Arbeitsgruppe des Verbandes der ...

Museum Remise
Ludwig Kössler Platz
1030 Vienna, Austria
