The Moravian-Silesian Region is located in the north-east of the Czech Republic, in the border triangle between Poland and Slovakia. With more than 1.2 million inhabitants, it has the highest population density of any Czech region. The region is rich in mineral resources, especially coal and natural gas, ... more
The Moravian-Silesian Region is located in the north-east of the Czech Republic, in the border triangle between Poland and Slovakia. With more than 1.2 million inhabitants, it has the highest population density of any Czech region. The region is rich in mineral resources, especially coal and natural gas, but also other raw materials such as limestone, granite, marble, slate, gypsum, gravel, sand and brick clay.
Minerals have been mined in the region since the Middle Ages. Initially, precious metals were mined, then iron ore, and since the beginning of industrialisation, coal has been the most important raw material mined.
Industrialisation began in the 19th century, when the territory of the present-day Czech Republic was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The Moravian-Silesian region developed at that time and is still one of the most important industrial regions in Central Europe.
At its core is the Ostrava-Karviná industrial and mining basin, whose industrial development was linked to the exploitation of local mineral resources, especially high-quality coking coal, and the subsequent development of heavy industrial iron and steel production and metallurgy.
Today, industrial production is no longer focused exclusively on heavy industry. The region is also oriented towards high technology, especially in the fields of information technology, electronics, electrical engineering and car manufacturing.
TECHNOTRASA - Moravian-Silesian Technical Trail
With the project 'TECHNOTRASA - surová krása' ('Technical Route - Rough Beauty'), the 'Moravian-Silesian Tourism' presents the evidence of the rich industrial and technical history of the region as tourist destinations. The virtual route leads to more than 30 technical objects connected with the tradition of mining, metallurgy, railway transport and the automotive industry, but also with fire brigade, brewery, military and agricultural history. The network includes not only the monuments from the time of the Industrial Revolution, but also work and production sites from other eras. It thus offers a varied picture of the heritage from the world of work that is so typical of the region.
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Dolní Vítkovice
Dolní oblast VÍTKOVICE, z.s.
Vítkovice 3004
703 00
Ostrava, Czech Republic
Michal Mine
Důl Michal
Československè armády 95/413
715 00
Ostrava, Czech Republic
Bartošovice Mill – Mill in Motion
Bartošovický mlýn
Bartošovice 208
Bartošovice, Czech Republic
Tatra Truck Museum
Muzeum nákladních automobilů Tatra
Husova 1326/13
Kopřivnice, Czech Republic
Radegast Brewery
Pivovar Radegast
Nošovice 238
Nošovice, Czech Republic
Nový Jičín – Town of Hats Visitor Centre
Návštěvnické centrum Nový Jičín
- město klobouků
Masarykovo náměstí 45
Nový Jičín, Czech Republic
Flaschar’s mine
Flascharův důl
Odry, Czech Republic
Mining Museum in Landek Park
Hornické muzeum
Pod Landekem 64
725 29
Ostrava, Czech Republic
Nové Dvory Windmill
Mlýn, který putoval krajinou
Zámecká 691/5
Bílovec, Czech Republic
Slate Museum
Muzeum Břidlice
Na mlýnské strouze 230
Budišov nad Budišovkou, Czech Republic
Weisshuhn Canal
Kanál Carla Weisshuhna
Podolská 308
Hradec nad Moravicí, Czech Republic
Tatra Technical Museum
Technickŏ Muzeum Tatra
Záhumenni 367/1
Kopřivnice, Czech Republic
Slezská Harta Reservoir
Leskovec nad Moravicí 204
Leskovec nad Moravicí, Czech Republic
Choltice Windmill
Choltický větřák
Litultovice 1
Litultovice, Czech Republic
Wesselsky Watermill
Vodní mlýn Wesselsky
Loučky 151
Odry, Czech Republic
Moravian-Silesian Railway Museum
Železniční muzeum Moravskoslezské
Frýdlantská 499/5
Ostrava, Czech Republic
Museum of Firefigthting
Hasičské muzeum města Ostravy
Zákrejsova 53/3
Ostrava, Czech Republic
Museum of Food and Agricultural Machinery
Muzeum potravin a zemědělských strojů
Vítkovice 3033
Ostrava, Czech Republic
Hedva Czech Brocade Exposition
Expozice Hedva Český brokát
Opavská 463/23
Rýmařov, Czech Republic
Wagon Museum
Vagonářské muzeum
Panská 229
Studénka, Czech Republic
Narrow-gauge Railway Třemešná - Osoblaha
Osoblažsko úzkokolejka
Třemešná 298
Třemešná, Czech Republic
Raab Adit
Břidlicové podzemí Raabova štola
Zálužné 42
Vítkov, Czech Republic