The Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester

Manchester was one of the very first industrial cities in the world. It is a byword for unrestrained capitalism and appalling social poverty; but also for its pioneering achievements. One of these was the first passenger railway service in the world - and with it the world’s oldest existing station built in 1830 complete with adjoining warehouses and goods offices. The buildings now house the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester. As soon as you start your tour of the museum you are assailed by the noise of old spinning and weaving machines, leaving you in no doubt that Manchester owed its greatness to cotton. In an audio-visual presentation nearby you can experience working life in a local warehouse in 1830. The world’s largest collection of working steam engines can be seen in a long engine shed. And because a railway station is nothing without trains there are a large number of steam locomotives and historic wagons on show. Other exhibition units pay tribute to Manchester’s contribution to computers and communications and emphasise its role in the motor-car and aeronautics industry. All in all this is one of the largest science and industry museums in the world.

The Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester
Liverpool Road Castlefield
M3 4FP Manchester
United Kingdom
+44 (0) 161 - 8322244