Szabó and Szamos Marzipan Museums

Szentendre is the home of one of Europe’s most unusual food museums. In the 1930s the city was home to two outstanding confectioners, Mátyas Szamos and Károly Sabó, who developed new forms of marzipan, and, in particular, showed how it could be used to model buildings and busts of people. The museum occupies the first floors of two nearby houses in Dumtsa Jenöutca, and includes models of the Hungarian parliament building in Budapest and other well-known buildings, a marzipan replica of the Hungarian royal crown, and busts of kings, queens, pop singers, cartoon characters and teddy bears. In the shows on the ground floors of the two buildings it is possible to buy samples of marzipan as well as traditional Hungarian foods and wines.

Szabó and Szamos Marzipan Museums
Szabó and Szamos Marcipän Muzeum
Dumtsa Jenő u. 14
2000 Szentendre
+36 (0) 26 - 311931