The cotton factory and dyeworks, the Cotonificio di Torre at Pordenone, a port on the Noncello River, 55 km west of Udine and 90 km north-east of Venice, are now used as a science centre by Immaginario Scientifico from Trieste. The cotton industry was important in this part of Italy in the nineteenth century but declined after the First World War and completely failed after 1929 crash. The objectives of the science centre and the methods of communication employed are similar to those at the first Immaginario Scientifico centre in Trieste.
Porderone Science Centre Immaginario Scientifico
Immaginario Scientifico di Porderone
Torre di Pordenone
Viva Vittorio Veneto 3
33170 Pordenone
+39 (0) 40 - 224424