MUTEX – Museum of Textiles

Cebolais de Cima is a small town near Castelo Branco in central Portugal, on the border with Spain. MUTEX is a museum in the factory of the Corga wool carding and spinning company, now owned by the local authority. The factory was started in 1939 but it was rebuilt in the 1950s after a fire. It has two single-storey buildings. In one, visitors can see films, models and displays and can experiment with weaving samples by hand. There is also a display about workers and entrepreneurs in the industry. In the other building, the museum preserves the wool carding and spinning equipment of the factory, a wooden hand loom and large weaving machines. The equipment is demonstrated and explained by the guides. Visitors can buy textile products in the shop.

MUTEX – Museum of Textiles
Museu dos Têxteis – MUTEX
Avenida Infante Dom Henrique, Nº33
6000-500 Cebolais de Cima
+351 (0) 272 - 989047