Museum of Pasta | Museum of Tomatoes

The museum of pasta is located on the banks of the Taro river n the province of Parma between Collechio and Ozzaro Taro, 12 km from the city of Parma. It is one of several food museums in the region and opened in 2014 in a medieval house that was once a fortified farmstead belonging to the Bishops of Parma. It accommodated a tomato processing factory until the 1960s. The museum displays the work of the Barilla company founded in Parma 1877, and supposedly the world’s largest manufacturer of pasta. There are sections on various wheats and their properties, on milling, and on the making of pasta at home with an array of tools and utensils. Industrial production from the nineteenth century is illustrated by a range of restored machines, and modern processes are illustrated by videos. Other sections deal with the ways in which pastas have been marketed and with the role of pasta in art and culture.

The pasta museum shares its premises with a tomato museum, which opened in 2010. Visitors can learn about the different varieties of tomatoes, the history of the plant in Europe since its introduction from America, and the growth of the tomato processing industry which developed in the Parma region, canning the fruit and manufacturing tomato purée The two museums share the same website and email address.

Museum of Pasta | Museum of Tomatoes
Museo della pasta | Museo de pomodoro
Strada Giarola 11
4344 Collechio
+39 (0) 521 - 931800