Moulin á Papier de la Rouzique

Couze-et-Saint-Front is a small village in the Dordogne where there were 13 watermills in the late nineteenth century, of which three are intact. The Merle et Sub Roc mills are former corn mills, used for papermaking from the nineteenth century, which were registered as ancient monuments in 1989, together with the water-power system and an adjacent cave that was used for rag-picking. The nearby Moulin de Guillandoux was also registered in the same year.

Paper was made from cotton and linen rags at the Rouzique mill, where the water-powered machinery still operates. Visitors are able to make their own paper, and from time to time courses are organised enabling people to develop their skills. The museum holds a large collection of watermarks, and produces an interesting range of stationery which is sold in the shop.

The project is sponsored by Au Fil de Temps a charitable trust established in 1997 to promote voluntary projects with educational objectives, to create jobs and re-animate historical sites.

Moulin á Papier de la Rouzique
Route Varenne
24150 Couze-et-Saint-Front
+33 (0) 553 - 243616