The museum occupies the Dipòsits Vells (Old Cisterns) which collected and stored 12,000 m3 of water from the Sèquia canal and which were built by the civil engineer Marià Potó between 1861 and 1865. Nowadays, the museum has two permanent exhibitions spaces.
The Sèquia and water: This exhibit demonstrates great importance of the Sèquia, a work of medieval engineering unique to Catalonia and Spain which has brought water to the city since the 14th century and has become key to the city’s and the Pla de Bages’ agricultural, industrial and urban development.
Ribbon manufacture: An extraordinary collection of machines exhibited in zones shows the evolution of the narrow textile industry from silk to the modern ribbons of the 21st century and presents the special characters of the Manresa ribbons industry within the Spanish and international markets.
Manresa Museum of Water and Textile
Museu de l'Aigua i el Tèxtil de Manresa
Carretera de Santpedor, 55
08242 Manresa
+34 (0) 93 - 8772231
Recommended duration of visit: | 1,5 Hours |
Duration of a guided tour: | 75 Minutes |
Admission: | Charge |
Access for persons with disabilities: | Available |
Infrastructure for children: | |
Visitor centre on site: | yes |
Gift and book shop on site: | yes |
Tuesday - Sunday 10am-2pm