Brandy is made by distilling the ‘pomace’ or ‘brisa’ of grapes that remains after pressing for winemaking. This small, family-run distillery was started in the 1830s to process reside brought by local winemakers. It was abandoned in the late 20th century and purchased by the local authority in 1996. It became part of the MNACTEC network of Catalan technology museums and opened to visitors in 2009. Above the gate is a sign that says ‘Fabrica de Alcohol Vinico’. Inside the courtyard is a tall chimney for the boiler. As well as brandy, tartaric acid was produced as a byproduct for pharmaceutical use and the solids of the grape-skins, stalks and seeds were dried for fuel. A new building contains interpretation to explain the techniques and cultural importance of the industry while the original buildings are preserved with the complete equipment of the distillery. Brandy is distilled on a small scale for visitors to sample.
La Fassina Balanya Distillery
La Fassina Balanyà de l’Espluga de Francolí
Plaça des Millenniums 1
43440 L’Espluga de Francolí
+34 (0) 977 - 871220