The salt deposits at Kłodawa were investigated in the 1930s and during the Second World War. They proved to be extensive, measuring 26 km X 2 km. A company was formed to exploit them in 1949 and the first two of three shafts were opened in 1950-54. The salt has pink and blue colours and is exceptionally pure. There are workings at two levels, 650 m and 750 m below the surface. Visitors are taken on tours through the workings where they can see the double track railway system, underground shrines and carvings of the emblems of other notable Polish salt mines. One gallery has a stage for concerts and there is a display of machines in another. Models are used to show the complex workings of the mine.
Kłodawa Salt Mine
Kopalnia Soli Kłodawa
Aleje 1000-lecia 2
62-650 Kłodawa
+48 (0) 63 - 2733200