Strasshof lies 25 km east of Vienna and between 1908 and 1951 was the site of a large marshalling yard around which grew up a community of railwaymen living in houses in the Garden City style. The railway museum, a branch of the Technical Museum in Vienna, occupies an 8.5 ha site that includes the buildings of a railway depot. It holds a collection of more than 50 locomotives as well as many passenger carriages and freight wagons. Exhibits include several steam compounds designed by Karl Golsdorf (1861-1916), one of the most innovative of locomotive engineers, examples of the rack locomotives once employed between Eisenerz and Leoben in Styria, and some of the last steam engines built in Austria and Czechoslovakia, between 1920 and 1954. Electric traction developed early in Austria-Hungary, and there are many examples of early locomotives and rolling stock, including a ‘Crocodile’ locomotive of 1907.
Strasshof was the site of the memorable ‘Parade de Bahn’ in September 1987, which was a spectacular procession of locomotives and rolling stock both from the museum collection and from present-day railways.
Heizhaus Railway Museum
123 Sillerstrasse
2231 Strasshof an der Nordbahn
+43 (0) 1 - 6035301