Gerri de la Sal Salt Museum

Salt has always been the element which has marked Gerri people’s fate and the village’s image. The salt production, there are records from the IX century which prove that, became a profitable business in the late 19th century.

The salt exploitation is due to a salted spring a few meters far from the centre of the village. The water comes out at a temperature of 21º C, with an average density of sodium chloride of 8º-10ºBe and crystallizes a 25º Be (Mediterranean water has a density of 2º-3ºBe). Meteorological conditions determine the production season . It usually starts in June and finishes at the end of August.

Once the season was finished (in Autumn) the salt was carried and stored in the “Magatzem de la Sal o Real Alfolí” . Built in the XVIII century, probably on an already existing construction, later it was extended because of the necessity of enlarge its capacity. It is a squared floor of about 660m2 . It has three floors and  “underroof” with a four side slate roof.

In the Alfolí de la Sal several processes were carried out (weigh, grind, pack or sack) so the salt was ready for sale.

The salt was carried to the “Casa de la Sal” by a drove of mules, they came into the first floor where the salt was weighed and afterwards it was poured through “trapes” (small holes on the floor) into the ground floor where it was grinded and after put into sacks or packed.

Gerri de la Sal Salt Museum
Museu de Gerri de la Sal
Square Àngel Esteve, s/n
25590 Gerri de la Sal
+34 (0) 973 - 662040

Recommended duration of visit:1-1,5 Hours
Duration of a guided tour:60-90 Minutes
Access for persons with disabilities:None
Infrastructure for children:
Visitor centre on site:yes

January to June and October to December
open by prior reservation

July, August and September
Tuesday - Sunday 11am-2pm, 5.30-7.30pm

  • Guided tours only
  • Guided tours for children