Fontinettes Canal Lift

The Fontinettes hydraulic lift on the Neufossé Canal at Arques, 4 km SE of Saint-Omer was built in 1883-87 by the English engineer Edwin Clark (1814-94), and was similar in principle to that at Anderton. It replaced five locks that linked the Aa and Lys waterway systems, and raised vessels 13 m. It was replaced by a new lock in 1967, but is conserved, and interpreted with displays about its history and a working model. The Crystal d’Arques glassworks and the preserved railway, the Chemin de Fer Touristique de la Vallée de l’Aa are nearby.

Fontinettes Canal Lift
L’Ascenseur à Bateaux des Fontinettes
21, rue Denis Papin
62510 Arques
+33 (0) 321 - 126230