Energy Adventure World

One of Austria’s largest thermal electric power stations is at Timelkam, 20 km north-west of Gmunden. Associated with the power station is the interpretation centre called Elebnis Welt Energie (Adventure World Energy), which has two principal exhibitions, one showing the technology used in the 21 century to generate electric power for public supply, the other illustrating the social and cultural history of electric power. Visitors are able to operate machinery and appliances, and to explore with the aid of multi-media presentations such questions as the future of thermal power generation and the sourcing of electric power from renewable resources. Visitors can also take guided tours of the working power station, which uses biomass and natural gas to produce steam for its turbines. The centre also offers trips by train from Timelkam to Ampflwang in association with the Österreichische Geseüllschaft für Eisenbahngeschicht (Austrian Society for Railway History).

Energy Adventure World
Mühlfeld 2
4850 Timelkam
+43 (0) 59000 - 4428