Edge Tool Forge

Nans-sous-Sainte-Anne is a small village in Savoie in the department of Doubs, 44 km south of Besançon, celebrated for its edge tool forge powered by the Archange river, which has been recognised as an ancient monument since 1984 and now attracts some 25,000 visitors a year. It is open during the summer months and forms part of the network Musées des techniques et culture comtoises. The forge was built by the Lagrange family in 1828, and in the decades before the First World War employed more than 20 people, and produced 35,000 tools annually, of which 20,000 were scythes. The water-powered system for blowing the forge bellows, installed in 1886, is unique in Europe. The hammers and grinding machines were also water-powered. The forge ceased commercial operation in 1969.

Edge Tool Forge
Lieu-dit La Doye
15330 Nans-sous-Sainte-Anne
+33 (0) 381 - 866418