This is a museum of the beginnings of the motor car – a factory of Carl Benz (1844-1929) who designed and built the first practical car with an internal combustion engine. He produced his first three-wheel car in 1883 and a four-wheel car in 1893. The company became Mercedes-Benz in 1926. The Ladenburg factory of Benz dating from 1908 houses the museum. It contains a superb collection of vehicles made by Benz and its partners from the first cars of the 1880s to racing cars and limousines of the 1960s. It tells the history of motoring from bicycles to motorbikes and cars. There is also a recreation of Carl Benz’s workshop.
Dr Carl Benz Motor Museum
Automuseum Dr Carl Benz
Ilvesheimer Straße 26
68526 Ladenburg
+49 (0) 6203 - 181786