Buhumir Copper Mine

The copper deposits in the Buhumir Mine, including malachite, bornite, lazurite and copper pyrites, were discovered in the mid-nineteenth century and were worked until 1965. The mine was not profitable in the 1920s and 30s, but received large-scale state investment after the Second World War. Most of the surface buildings of the mine still stand. The workings were adapted as a visitor mine from 2012. Entry is now by an adit, but, for safety reasons, a new exit via a shallow shaft has been created. Since 2015 visitors have been able to follow a 400 m trail into the workings, and can see the engine room and the ways in which ores were extracted by the longwall system. The interesting geological features of the mine can be studied. There are annual celebrations of the Jihlava mining law of 1249 and of the feast of St Barbara, the patron saint of miners.

Buhumir Copper Mine
Hornický skanzen Žacléř
Na Štole
54201 Žacléř
Czech Republic
+420 (0) 499 - 409102