Bavarian Brewery Museum in the Mőnchshof Brewery

Kulmbach in Upper Franconia, 25 km north-west of Bamberg, is a relatively small town whose economy was once dominated by four huge breweries, rather like Burton-on-Trent or Tadcaster in England. The town was famous for its beer from the middle ages, and the brewing industry was stimulated by the opening of the Bavarian north-south railway in 1846. In the mid-twentieth century four large breweries were operating in the town, but they are now combined as Kulmbacher Brauerei GmbH, and one of the redundant plants, the Alte Mőnchshofbrauerei, which has been associated with brewing since the mid-fourteenth century, is now a museum, which uses multi-media techniques to show how the culture of beer-drinking has evolved through the centuries, and how industrial-scale breweries work. The site also includes museums of baking and spices, and a celebrated restaurant.

Bavarian Brewery Museum in the Mőnchshof Brewery
Bayerischer Brauereimuseum im Kulmbacher Mőnchshof
Hofer Stasse 20
95326 Kulmbach
+49 (0) 9221 - 80514