Cultural route

Welcome to the ERIH September Newsletter. Highlights from the ERIH calendar to be reviewed in this issue include the WORK it OUT dance event and the European Industrial Heritage Summer School. Also, we are pleased to report on the presentation of the ERIH Young Professionals Network as best practice at this year's Advisory Forum of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe. A warm welcome goes to the Zeeland Industrial Museum in the Netherlands as our most recent ERIH Anchor Point. Finally, we provide information about a new EU funding programme targeting the cultural sector and look forward to the ERIH General Assembly and Annual Conference in Łódź, Poland, in October.

The topics at a glance:

  • ERIH Event: Review of WORK it OUT #7
  • ERIH Event: Review of the European Industrial Heritage Summer School 2024 in Berlin
  • ERIH Members: New Anchor Point – Zeeland Industrial Museum, Netherlands
  • ERIH Partner: ERIH Young Professionals – Case Study for the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe
  • ERIH EU News: ‘Culture Moves Europe’ – 3rd call for Individual Mobility Grants
  • ERIH Calendar: Save the date
Lutsk (UA). Museum of Science and Technology
ERIH Event: Review of WORK it OUT #7

Once again, the seventh edition of our award-winning dance event WORK it OUT was an inspiring pan-European experience shared by all participants. A total of 24 ERIH members joined in, with more than two and a half thousand children, teenagers and young-at-hearts dancing in front of, on and inside 30 industrial monuments in nine European countries on 8 September. Instead of a live stream, we created a countdown video this year to make the last half hour of waiting more entertaining. In it, we look back at the dance events of previous years, offer exciting insights into the preparations and introduce the participating ERIH sites.
Videos of this year's dance groups can be found in the playlist on our YouTube channel ERIH WORK it OUT.

The competition for the most popular video earning the most ‘likes’ of all entries is still running until 30 September (please note: votes only count if they are cast on the ERIH Facebook and Instagram accounts). At the beginning of October, the three videos with the most likes will receive an award. A social wall provides an overview of the posts and videos of all participants. 
WORK it OUT countdown video  
Videos of the participating sites 
Social Wall WORK it OUT 

ERIH Event: Review of the European Industrial Heritage Summer School 2024 in Berlin

In August, 22 young students from 12 countries gathered in Berlin for the second European Industrial Heritage Summer School. They spent two intensive weeks working on the question of designing sustainability at sites of industrial heritage. While visiting some of these sites and talking to regional and international experts, they had the opportunity to develop their own projects. ERIH actively supports the Summer School because young people's voices and the issue of sustainability are crucial for the future of the network. This event was co-organised by the Berlin Center for Industrial Heritage and the HTW Berlin – University of Applied Sciences.

ERIH Members: New Anchor Point Zeeland Industrial Museum, Netherlands

Hands-on is the order of the day at the latest ERIH Anchor Point, the Zeeland Industrial Museum in Sas van Gent. Visitors will need all their hands to operate the buttons, levers and switches that are everywhere. From machines and control panels to a 19th-century time clock, this museum turns visitors of all ages into active participants. What's more, the many stories told here hold quite a few surprises. Who would have thought, for example, that the glass on the façades of the skyscrapers in Dubai and other global cities comes from Sas van Gent? One of the highlights of the permanent exhibition is a shiny black, originally steam-powered generator from a former coke factory in Sluiskil. However, the spacious premises of the converted sugar factory that houses the museum have much more to offer. Welcome to the ERIH network!
Sas van Gent (NL). Zeeland Industrial Museum 

ERIH Partner: ERIH Young Professionals – Case Study for the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe

Each year in autumn, the Advisory Forum of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe discusses trends and challenges in relation to Cultural Routes and provides a platform for the exchange of experiences, review of progress with the implementation of Cultural Routes, debates on new professional practices and the development of partnerships. The topic of this year’s forum, which was held from 25-27 September in Visegrád, Hungary, was "Transmission and innovation: Fostering youth participation along the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe".

One of the sessions provided an in-depth look at specific initiatives that have successfully engaged youth along the Cultural Routes. The case studies shed light on the objectives, methods and results of the selected examples, ranging from small community-led efforts to large-scale international collaborations. In this context, ERIH board member Katharina Hornscheidt reported on the experiences and lessons learned so far in developing and establishing the ERIH Young Professionals Network. We are delighted to share our expertise with our fellow members within the Cultural Routes network. 
13th Annual Advisory Forum of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe

ERIH EU News: ‘Culture Moves Europe’ – 3rd call for Individual Mobility Grants

Culture Moves Europe, an Individual Mobility Scheme operated by the Creative Europe Funding Programme, supports artists and cultural professionals to carry out a project with a partner of their choice in another Creative Europe country. Now it launched its third call in order to make sure potential candidates from all participating sectors can benefit from this opportunity. To boost applications from the fields of architecture, cultural heritage, design, fashion design and literature, Culture Moves Europe is offering a special info session directed at organisations and individuals working within these areas. Interested parties are invited to an online session on 8 October 2024 at 15h00 CEST to learn more about Culture Moves Europe, ask questions, and see how the mobility grants can be useful to implement new activities. 
Register here

ERIH Calendar: Save the date

In less than a month, from 23 to 25 October 2024, ERIH will hold its annual meeting in Łódź, Poland. The kick-off event will be the ERIH General Assembly on 23 October at 3:30 p.m. at the ERIH Anchor Point EC1. One of the items on the agenda is the upcoming board elections. Further information has been sent to members with the invitation.

The 20th ERIH Annual Conference on ‘Environmental Sustainability – How to come from Buzzword to Action’ on 24 October can be attended in person at EC1 or online. The programme includes various excursions between 23 and 25 October. Registrations are still being accepted on the ERIH website until 8 October
20th ERIH Conference 2024: Please register  
EC1 Łódź - City of Culture

Other events dealing with industrial heritage (tourism)