The conference included an extensive excursion programme. It kicked off with a get-together on the first day at the ERIH Anchor Point Central Museum of Textiles, the former White Factory of Ludwik Geyer. The entrepreneur from Brandenburg is considered a pioneer of the emerging textile industry in Łódź. He built the first smokestack in Łódź and his looms were powered by the city's first steam engine. Today, the site tells the story of textile history with historically furnished workshops and workers' flats as well as an exciting mix of both analogue and virtual exhibits.
On the evening of 24 October, the programme covered a visit to the ERIH Anchor Point Manufaktura Complex. The former Izrael Poznański factory is now one of Poland's largest shopping and leisure centres. The restoration of the complex (former weaving mill, power plant, processing facilities and fire station) was the first example of the large-scale revitalisation of industrial areas in Poland. The conference participants also took part in an exciting guided tour of the factory museum.
There were two excursions to choose from on 25 October. The first visited the Księży Młyn (Priest Mill) Quarter, which was built in the 19th century by Karol Scheibler, the richest entrepreneur in Łódź at the time. The neighbourhood was a autonomous district within the city, modelled on English industrial estates. It had factory buildings, including a huge castle-like cotton mill, warehouses, workers‘ houses, a school, a fire station, two hospitals, a gasworks, a factory club, shops, owners’ houses and a railway siding. Much of this can still be seen today.
The second excursion again headed to the ERIH Anchor Point EC1 Łódź - City of Culture. In addition to the science and technology centre and the conference facilities, it also houses the National Centre for Film Culture, which will open in 2023. The centre and the ‘Kino Polonia’ exhibition provide an overview of 120 years of Polish cinema over an area of 1,500 square metres. The exhibition features footage in almost 50 different screenings, 100 costumes from the most famous domestic productions and hundreds of other exhibits, props, posters and equipment, as well as a 500 square metre section with large-format prints.
Finally, all excursion participants met at Monopolis, a former vodka factory that is now home to restaurants, shops, offices and event rooms as well as a small infopoint on the history of the factory and was recognised as best project in the ‘mixed use’ category in an international competition in 2020.
Impressions of the conference are also available in the conference video, which was produced on behalf of the Łódź Tourism Board. We will upload it on the ERIH YouTube channel as soon as possible.
ERIH conference 2024 (presentations, photo gallery)
ERIH YouTube channel